Digital Infrastructure for Corporate Climate Action

Measure and understand your emissions.
Trade high-quality carbon credits and renewable energy certificates.

Trusted by

  • Aksa
  • Akcoat
  • Yeniden Enerji
  • Garanti
  • Zorlu
  • Socar
  • Metrio
  • Akkök
  • Gıpta
  • Takk
  • Akfen
  • Boreas
  • DowAksa
  • Artıbir Enerji
  • Akkim
  • Aksa
  • Akcoat
  • Yeniden Enerji
  • Garanti
  • Zorlu
  • Socar
  • Metrio
  • Akkök
  • Gıpta
  • Takk
  • Akfen
  • Boreas
  • DowAksa
  • Artıbir Enerji
  • Akkim

Erguvan Marketplace

Direct, secure, and seamless transactions of high-quality carbon credits and renewable energy certificates.

Trade carbon credits and procure RECs.

Transparent prices. Instant settlements. Secure payments.

Erguvan API

Integrate carbon measurement and offsetting into any product or service.
Drive business growth from climate action.


Measure the carbon footprint generated by your products and services.

Based on the best available data and standard methodologies. Growing number of use-cases in logistics, e-commerce, payments, air travel and more.


Create climate-friendly user experiences by offsetting with high-impact projects.

Offer a sustainable option to your customers backed by high-quality offsets directly sourced from the project developers in our flagship marketplace.


Know your impact. Communicate with customers and stakeholders.

Monitor your sustainability campaign and communicate. Motivate your suppliers to address Scope 3 emissions and track their progress.

Erguvan Academy

Module 1

Introduction to carbon pricing

  • Carbon pricing as a policy tool and its mechanisms

  • Carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems around the world

Module 2

Compliance markets, cross-border interactions

  • EU-ETS and ETS in emerging markets

  • Cross-border links and interactions (e.g., EU-CBAM) and effects on manufacturers in third nations

Module 3

Corporate carbon neutrality and the voluntary market

  • Carbon neutrality; supply, demand and pricing in the voluntary market

  • Overlap in voluntary and compliance markets, Article 6 context

Module 4

Key factors driving decarbonization strategies

  • Automation of ESG reporting, internal carbon pricing and emission reduction strategies, carbon-neutral products/services

Testimonials from leaders in their respective sectors

    • Partnering with Erguvan means that we are directly contributing to the transparency and efficiency of the voluntary carbon market. Leveraging this partnership, we aim to increase access in a typically opaque and OTC-dominant market, and to motivate our clients to contribute to climate action at scale.

      Ä°rem Barzilay
      Sustainable Finance Manager
    • Partnering with the knowledgeable, committed and passionate Erguvan team for our product life-cycle work gave us the courage to keep paving the way for radical transparency in our industry.

      Pinar Akiskalioglu
      Founder of TAKK
    • As a project developer, we had limited access to end buyers and pricing data. Working with Erguvan means we are continuously informed about the voluntary market and are equipped with unprecedented information and market access.

      Ozan Orsan
      Managing Director, Boreas Enerji


A one-stop shop for corporate climate action. For any business.

Starting from


Erguvan API

Integrate carbon measurement and offsetting into any product or service

  • Measure and understand emissions from your products and services
  • Create climate-friendly user experiences by offsetting with high-impact projects
  • Track your impact and communicate with customers and stakeholders
  • Use cases in air travel, logistics, e-commerce, payments, and more
One-time registration fee


Erguvan Marketplace

Seamless, secure, and low-cost transactions guided by data

  • Trade high-quality carbon credits
  • Retire and offset at no extra cost
  • Securely store your carbon credits
  • Access market insights with VCM Dashboard
  • Create tenders, send and receive bids
  • Procure renewable energy certificates
Starting from


Erguvan Academy

Develop corporate capacity for the carbon economy

  • Introduction to carbon pricing
  • Compliance markets and cross-border interactions
  • Corporate carbon neutrality and the voluntary market
  • Key factors driving decarbonization strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is a carbon credit?

      A carbon credit is a document used to confirm one ton of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas reduction or removal generated by a carbon credit issuing project (renewable energy, bio-conservation, forestation, direct air capture, biochar, etc.). Erguvan only works with Gold Standard, Verra, and GCC verified credits.

    • How does carbon offsetting work?

      A carbon offset or carbon credit is an activity designed to compensate for the emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It may be regulatory (e.g., eligible for a compliance program) or voluntary. Carbon credits play a complementary but vital role in the net-zero journeys of corporates.

    • How much is a carbon credit worth?

      Carbon markets are opaque and fragmented with limited access to market data. By joining Erguvan Marketplace, you will have access to our VCM Dashboard. Backed by thousands of data points, our dashboard is designed to help users monitor prices in the voluntary market.

    • What are renewable energy certificates (RECs)?

      A renewable energy certificate, or REC, is a market-based instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation. By certifying that the power source of a company is renewable, RECs can be used towards compensating for Scope 2 emissions.

    • What does direct and transparent trading mean?

      Studies show that OTC-dominant carbon markets allow intermediaries to capture a 40-60% share of the carbon credit price. We believe that this conflicts with the fundamental principles of carbon finance. On Erguvan Marketplace, buyers directly trade with project developers based on original prices and transparent platform fees.

    • Who can join Erguvan Marketplace?

      Erguvan Marketplace is a b2b medium for trading carbon credits. Any business successfully completing our KYC process is eligible to join the marketplace after paying onboarding fees.

    • What is Erguvan API?

      An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface that offers a service to other pieces of software. Erguvan API offers services to our clients’ software to allow them to integrate carbon measurement and offsetting into their products or services.

    • What are some use cases of Erguvan API?

      Our API is constantly growing as we add more modules to handle different business activities. Currently, we have modules for air travel, logistics, and e-commerce. We will make our API documentation public soon, but we already serve clients in various sectors. Please get in touch to learn more.

    • Who is the best audience for Erguvan Academy?

      Erguvan Academy is for all businesses willing to stay up to date on the most recent developments in carbon pricing whether they are in compliance or voluntary markets. Our clients in renewables, oil&gas, chemicals, steel, and cement industries have shown particular interest in the content.